We left a yard of maples, pines, and an elm tree in New York for a yard of mesquite trees in Arizona. In fact, we have three acres of mesquite trees. The mesquite is a tough, drought tolerant small tree. Famous for its wood that smokes meat to a delicious flavor, the tree averages about 20 feet in height. Its leaves are delicate and lacy looking, but watch out! Most mesquite varieties have thorns--along the same lines as thorn apples Back East. They are deciduous and when they leaf out in April, it's about the only green we have until the monsoon. There are several varieties of mesquite and the ones most plentiful in our area are the honey mesquite. The tree flowers out in May with a long, fuzzy yellow bloom, and then long pods form once the flowers are gone. Unbeknownst to us, these pods are sweet and have been used in the Southwest for a long time. Our local farmers market has been milling the dried pods for a few years to make flour, so we decided to take a crack at collect...
Positively encouraging