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Tuesdays at Care Net

On Tuesday afternoons you can usually find me at the local Care Net Pregnancy Center. I've been volunteering there for about 2 1/2 years as a peer counselor which means I work with young women and teenagers who are part of the Earn While You Learn program and those who are seeking a free pregnancy test. The schedule is different every week and you never know who will walk through the door needing assistance of some type. 

These young women come from every demographic, churched and unchurched, high school student, college student, poor, uneducated, married and unmarried. Sixty-two percent of clients in Sierra Vista are single. Just between January and July of this year the center has provided services to 1,099 women. Last year abstinence education was given to 1500 students.  Care Net which is a national nonprofit organization provides free services to all. They include pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, pregnancy education, parenting classes, abstinence information, and information about abortion.

These services are given to women to "empower them to choose life." Life is a good thing. It's a wonderful gift from a gracious and loving heavenly Father. It's a blessing and a privilege to work each week teaching a single mom about infant care using a broad-based curriculum of videos and articles. This enables her to earn "Mommy Money" to spend in the baby boutique at Care Net. She can proudly stock up on diapers, formula, blankets, equipment, clothing, and more because she commits to spending an hour learning to be a better parent.  As we review the video worksheets and she gains more knowledge about being a good mom, I can see her confidence rise week by week.

It's also a privilege to work with those seeking a pregnancy test, who are uncertain how they'll handle the news of a positive test. Some are scarred emotionally and physically from previous abortions. Some are eager to see a positive result and wrap up the test disk in the provided plastic bag to show a husband or boyfriend. In any case, I get to fully inform them of the options and if the test is positive to offer a free ultrasound and pregnancy information materials. Whether the test is positive or negative I can offer materials on a variety of topics--healthy relationships, STD's, abstinence, and more. But most importantly, I have the opportunity to share the Good News of the Gospel. They don't have go it alone, no matter what the test results.

As with all nonprofits, finances are always a challenge.  The center I volunteer at recently purchased the building they were renting. By faith, the director started sending out baby bottles to churches and individuals to fill with change, folding money, and checks.  The down payment was a lot of money to raise, but week after week, in between clients I helped shake out the money from baby bottles into large plastic bank bags. They closed on the building recently and the bottles keep coming in.  God is providing the funds needed in such a humorous way. All that change adds up to significant amounts and some bottles are stuffed with significant folding money and checks too. God loves to take the small things, the weak things and show Himself powerful in the circumstance.

The ultimate aim of Care Net and its network of pregnancy centers is to share the love and truth of Jesus Christ in both word and deed. As a result, the hearts of women and men are being changed by Christ's love.
Even if you can't volunteer at a pregnancy center, the Care Net mission statement above works for every Christian.

 And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father. Colossians 3:17 NLT


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